Monday, May 24, 2010

Washer Overload!!

Came home early from work one day(ok my gut SCREAMED at  me to leave work early), and heard the washing machine going.  I opened the french doors that keep the washer and dryer in a little closet, to see laundry soap bubbling from under the lid of the washer!  WTF???  This is a new one!  I had recently bought a new jug of laundry soap, and the bottle was completely empty - all of it in the washer, with not my ex's clothes, nope, but MY clothes!  I immediately ran the rinse cycle 3!!!! times, to rinse out all the soap and then threw my clothes in the dryer.  Argh!!

This is a photo after I opened the lid and then got my camera to take a picture.  Bubbles are no longer overflowing...

If this had overflowed it could have destroyed the carpet, the bathroom floor across from the laundry and the floor under the washer/dryer.   AND this would not have been covered by homeowners insurance because it was intentional.

What the BLEEP was he thinking - if he destroyed community property, it's his loss too.  Chalk it up as something that makes you go hmmm, or wtf, or what???

Friday, May 21, 2010


If you live in Southern California, and especially if you live in a desert climate, you are probably familiar with Argentine Ants.   These ants were brought to California from Brazil in the late 1800's and have made themselves quite at home here.  They killed off many native species of ants and when they get in your house and walls, they are a pain to get rid of.  So, why am I telling you this?  And what does this have to do with any story about my ex??   Well, that's the background some of you may need to understand the ludicrousness of this story.

In the year my ex filed for divorce, but was still living in the house and not paying ANY bills, and eating all our food, and other shit,  we had a very dry winter.  This means by June everything is DRY!  Bone Dry!  And the ants come out looking for food and water.  These ants are insidious(or industrious?) and get into the cracks in the stucco and into the walls of your house.  This time these ants happened to find their way into our pantry.  This was a walk-in pantry with lots of shelf space. Now mind you I had 3 kids under the age of 10 at the time.  So, you know, things get put back on the shelf and not secured, and there are an abundance of sugared cereals on the shelves.   I had to use ziplock bags for any items that the ants could(and would) get into.  I spent one ENTIRE evening(after working a 10+ hour day) cleaning up the pantry,  spraying the amonia around to kill the ant trails, and putting out some borax and sugar water bait for the ants to lovingly take back to their nests to kill all their friends, neighbors and relatives!

Next day after coming home from work, THIS IS WHAT I CAME HOME TO:  

SUGAR!!  Dumped all over the pantry for those tiny ants to FEAST on!!

Now that you are over the shock of it,  seems that his evil trick backfired in some respects.  The ants didn't want the dry sugar, they just wanted my "bait" that I set up.  But this did cause me several hours of clean up to get all the sugar out of all the cracks between the shelves and the walls of the pantry.  Sigh....

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Some Background....

I have a friend who's ex bought his pre-teen daughter boys boxer/brief underwear for her birthday because he thought her girl panties(briefs) were too revealing. Some of us were commiserating and contemplating what this friend should do and how she should handle the situation, as her daughter was very upset and didn't want to wear boys underwear.

The discussion reminded me about the following example:  After my ex had filed for divorce and was sleeping in the living room on the fold-out couch(he refused to move out eventhough I paid 100% of the mortgage),  he would disappear in the mornings before any normal human would be up. When I would get up(at a normal early morning hour) and go downstairs for coffee, there would be a pair of woman's thong panties "staged" on the fold-out bed for me to see.  I would just fold up the couch leaving bedding and the "surprises" untouched(except for taking a few snapshots as proof), document what happened, and never say a thing.

Here is an example of this psycosis:

So now you are wondering, was there some girl that spent the night - and was this his psychotic way of letting me know?   What is the deal with that?  Well, my guess is that's what he wanted me to believe, when in fact HE WAS WEARING THEM!!  Really,  You ask? How would I know this?  Well, a couple times I needed to go downstairs to get something, and I surprised him standing there WEARING THE PANTIES!!!   Yes, I kid you not, he was wearing them, and it totally freaked me out.   What did HE do?  He ran into the bathroom and hid until I went back upstairs.  And yes he looked mad that I caught him wearing the woman's thong underwear.

So, after remembering that psychotic time during the phase of my divorce where the psychotic STBX(Soon To Be eX) was having fun in/with women's underwear, I was chatting with a girlfriend and I told her,  "You know I should start a blog.  You know that blog "shitmykidsruined"?"  I should start one called "shitmypsychoexdid".   And here we are!!
